
January 30, 2010

Hey everyone!

What if you had to walk 4 miles each day, just to get water for your family…and the water isn’t even clean. Then you put it in a bucket, place it on your head and walk back to your village.

Just wanted to let you all know that tomorrow (1/31) I will be heading to Sebba with my house mate, Matt, and a team of 6 from Ireland. There is a guesthouse in Sebba that will be our main hub and from there we will go visit villages. We are going to be drilling 9 water wells in 9 different villages. This area of Burkina Faso is very dry, but God is amazing and placed water beneath the surface! We will use a well drilling truck to drill and get the water so lives will be saved. I have no experience with wells, but I will learn.

We will be returning to Ouaga on the 14th. So I will be without internet for 2 weeks.

Pray for health and stamina as the work will be very hard.

Pray that the people will realize Jesus loves them!

God bless!

6 Responses to “Water!”

  1. Sheldon and Lisa Hicks said

    We will be praying for you Andrew and the villages! Glad to see things are going good so far. Praise the Lord! Thank you for the updates and sharing the video and awesome pictures.

  2. Ben said

    Praying for you!

  3. Sweet! I will ask the Lord to provide great health, fiery stamina, and adequate rest and pace of work. May God use your presence and your hard work to bring people to Christ.

  4. Jillian Moomaw said

    Hey, Andrew! It sounds like Africa is going well. I’m so glad!! Also, very jealous. I’m pretty sure I say that every time I’m on here, lol. I’ll definitely be praying for your health and stamina. I pray that God will give you the strength to dig those much needed wells. God is really using you to touch those people! Enjoy the warmth over there. It’s FREEZING here. Happy drilling!!

  5. Jim and Tammie said

    Praying for you Andrew. Glad you are having a great time serving an awesome God. We look forward to seeing more great things as you help HIM with His work there in Africa. Way to be His hands and feet.

  6. Dennis Hange said

    We are praying for you Andrew on your visit to Sebba. May God provide you the strength and health to get through these next two weeks.

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